LEROSETT® Clay Mask is Not Just for Acne, Exfoliating, Oily Skin, Blackheads or Detoxifying.
LEROSETT® Spot Treatment and Clearing (Clay) Mask 3oz has been a favorite tool for dermatologists and skin care professionals for over 30 years. Our 100% organic clay is proprietarily treated (for stronger absorption), and micronized (for deeper pore penetration). LEROSETT® clay has a variety of beneficial uses for multiple skin conditions and people of all ages and skin types.
No Synthetic Additives. No Ingredient Related Side Effects. Hypoallergenic. It’s Proprietary Treated Morrocan Rasul Clay with Minerals and Distilled Water.
• Reduce Waxing Discomfort: Apply LEROSETT® Clay before waxing to reduce discomfort. The wax adheres to the Clay & the hairs, not the skin.
• Ingrown Hairs: Similar to a pimple, LEROSETT® Clay prevents ingrown hairs from forming. (Spot treat and apply a thin layer on the area)
• Reduce oil production: Using natural minerals like Zinc will significantly reduce oil production (sebum). (Apply facial mask)
• Minimize Pore Size: Reduces pore size significantly, creating smoother, softer skin. (Apply as a facial mask)
• Improve Skin Elasticity, Texture, and Clarity: LEROSETT® Clay removes embedded impurities for healthier, younger-looking skin. (Apply facial mask)
• Razor Burn: Avoid the effects of razor burn anywhere you shave. For men and women. (Apply a thin layer on the area)
• Cleansing & Oily Scalp: Use LEROSETT® Clay as a wash cream, mildly exfoliate, and rub into oily scalp. Squeeze out one inch of Clay, rub it into the face, and remove it with water like a cleanser.
• Bug Bites: LEROSETT® Clay helps minimize itching, redness, sw • elling, and potential scarring. (Spot treat)
Rashes: LEROSETT® Clay can help detoxify and mineralize rashes, even on pets. (Apply a thin layer to the area.)
• Multiple Skin Conditions (psoriasis and eczema): LERSOTTT® Clay helps minimize discomfort and itching caused by skin conditions such as eczema and psoriasis. LEROSETT® Clay is safe for treating various skin conditions due to its detoxifying and cooling properties. Mineral-rich LEROSETT® can help small sores to heal faster naturally, with no drugs. The Clay increases healing times by absorbing infections and infusing bacteria-fighting Zinc without damaging new skin cells. (Apply a thin layer on the area.)
• The Only Clay Mask So Thin You Can Sleep in It: LERSOTTT® Clay has 15X greater potency than bentonite, standard dry mixes, or other wet clays. A mask only needs a 1-millimeter-thick layer rubbed into the skin, not on top; it starts to dry as you apply it. The clay goes deep into the pores, which means you can sleep with a thin mask on, which can make a big difference in your skin.
• Pets Can Also Benefit from LERSOTTT® Clay: Dogs and cats get rashes or minor scratches from many causes, like over-licking the same area. LERSOTTT® Clay helps stop itching; it’s safe and cooling for your pet, as it absorbs bacteria and infection.