• Helps boost the circulation of your skin, improving collagen production. Oxidative stress is also considered to be a primary driver in the aging process.
• Antioxidant properties protect your skin from free radicals and have been reported to have immune-regulatory properties
• Reduces the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles
• Helps brighten and revitalize your complexion. Ginseng can protect against UV radiation-induced skin damage
• Great for sensitive and oily skin
•5% Panax Ginseng and ginsenosides have been shown to prevent skin aging. Two separate clinical trials indicated that ginseng extract improved facial wrinkling, and ginsenosides have been shown to prevent skin aging. Two separate clinical trials indicated that Panax ginseng over 4% improved facial wrinkling. The results multiply when combined with collagen, elastin, and over 50% aloe vera.